Hear from those that have taken our workshops and how it has impacted them
"We’ve just been on a course with Down To Earth Media and Alex and his crew were really helpful, they helped us learn a lot about media, media content and what we need to do to create the content to put it on Instagram, Facebook and all those sorts of socials. Great guys, really recommend it."
"I undertook the Filming on Your Phone Workshop with Down to Earth Media. My reasoning for doing this was because I want to start producing videos for both Instagram and YouTube but didn't quite have the confidence or know how to be able to do that. Alex taught us a number of exercises and methods to film both in the classroom and out and about. I thought this really built my confidence because we learned a whole host of different ways to video and there's always one way that works for you. Im now able to produce videos in which I feel that I really enjoy watching and I also feel confident being a part of. I'd really highly recommend the course to anyone as a beginner as it's a really good starting point to get you on your way"
"Just Farmers has been working with Alex for a number of years. As one of our workshop trainers he teaches farmers to film on their phone talking them all the way through the filmmaking process from coming up with the initial idea to scripting, storytelling, filming it and then editing the film. He encourages all our farmers to step out their comfort zone and empowers them to have a confidence to tell their stories with pride. Alex is an excellent trainer. As well as being friendly and approachable, he's incredibly professional, and he always delivers only the best, achieving the best results out of the people that he worked with I would highly recommend working with Alex Price to anyone."
"Hello I’m Hannah Jones from the Farm Carbon Tool Kit, I've just finished the Down to Earth Media training with Alex. We’ve had two days of fun, and slight embarrassment, but it's been incredibly empowering going from not knowing anything about producing small video clips, I feel that I can do it now. Its recognising that video clips are a really important way for us to learn alongside standard means of reading documents or hearing talks so thank you Alex, it was great."
"Spent a day and a half with Alex doing the media course and to be honest it's been fascinating and Incredibly intuitive towards helping people like myself with a farming business understand how we can tell our story. There's so much technology out there but Alex has made it accessible and understandable, and much more palatable from my point of view which simplifies it and makes it a lot less scary. It's been a very intuitive and very enjoyable day and a half so thank you Alex."
"We collaborated with Alex and Ben (Rural Pod Media) on a long-term video project that was shot at multiple locations over several months. They bought a vast array of knowledge, professionalism, focus and energy to the whole project, which created some fantastic outputs. They went above and beyond and were able to expertly react to the challenges and tricky situations arose during the project. They are both true professionals, brilliant at what they do, creative in their thinking and work to exceptionally high standards."
Down To Earth Media do a brilliant job of explaining the process of making a film, how to structure it and film all the shots. The sessions are fun and welcoming, and the feedback during the training is really positive and valuable.
"The PFLA were introduced Down to Earth Media through the close network of farmers working regeneratively in the UK. When Covid-19 hit in Spring 2020, we were forced to move our programme online and were lucky to receive emergency funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation to do this. Video training was high on our agenda and Alex was full of ideas and we clicked immediately. We decided to run sessions both for our staff and also our certified members, behind and in front of the camera respectively, to ensure we covered both bases and give ourselves the maximum opportunity of generating video content in the future. We're lucky that we're a community of inspired and engaged practitioners who are perfect for putting on camera and Alex was an excellent tutor, making the whole process feel easy. We can't wait to see what the results are and thanks to Down to Earth Media for making it happen."
"I can't recommend Down to Earth Media video training enough. Alex trained 20 of our Farmer Ambassadors online, and after a day's training and a short follow up call, these farmers have been producing fantastic videos that convey a clear message and look good too. I would recommend Down to Earth Media to anyone, and their media training is also excellent."
"I've attended 3 video making trainings previously but this was hands down the best I've participated in. Doing it online and being encouraged to go out and collect material on our farms the same day worked really well, and makes us all the more likely to carry on doing it as part of our daily storytelling / marketing. I highly recommend this course."
'The workshops that were delivered were first class. The team put the farmers at ease straight away and the material was delivered in a fun and engaging way. Many of our farmers were a bit nervous at the start to appear on camera, but Alex put them all totally at ease and was incredible at helping them all gain confidence in their skills since the course, many of them have gone on to produce their own material to help tell their stories, which is down to what they learnt on the course. It was a brilliant couple of day’s and I would totally recommend these courses to anyone"